It's no secret that after five seasons of My Hero Academia , the show has given us many gorgeous, action-packed, and character-defining fight scenes. From team-ups to take-downs, here are My Hero Academia's nine (arguably) most impressive fight scenes.

Eraser Head vs. League of Villains

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With all the colorful classmates of class 1-A, it's easy to overlook less flashy heroes like their homeroom teacher, Eraser Head. Granted, Eraser Head doesn't want to be noticed, which is why he keeps a low profile when doing hero work. So, when the USJ is attacked, Deku and his classmates get a close look at Eraser Head as he faces off against the League of Villains. Though, other fight scenes stand out for vivid animation or long-awaited clashes between heroes and their villainous rivals, Eraser Head's fight shows off Season 1's choreography. Though he can only erase quirks when he is looking at his opponent, and he can't erase quirks that are already part of a person's body, Eraser Head makes up for these shortcomings by using well-chosen support items and a unique fighting style. For Deku and his classmates' first glimpse at what their homeroom teacher can do, this fight is an unforgettable moment.

Uraraka vs. Bakugou

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At first, the sweet and cheery Uraraka doesn't seem to stand a chance against established bully and majorly aggressive fighter, Bakugou. However, this fight follows the patterns that many of the tournament arc fights include, which is a strong connection to personal motivation and an element of surprise. Uraraka is determined to become a hero and financially take care of her family, so she uses every trick and tactic she can think of, from making her jacket float as a diversion, to tricking Bakugou into blowing up the floor of the arena so that she can have objects to float and let fall.

While the audience boos Bakugou from the stands, Bakugou himself recognizes Uraraka's strength and shows enough respect not only to be careful of her but to call her by her name for the first time. Uraraka eventually gives in to fatigue, but her fighting spirit is strong, and she shows off her ability to plan ahead. Though the fight is centered around Uraraka, this is also an important character moment for Bakugou, proving that he is capable of showing respect and fighting honorably, despite appearances.

Deku vs. Todoroki

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While Deku wants nothing more than to advance to the next round of the tournament and make All Might proud, he is overcome with the need to convince Todoroki that he can use the quirk that his father gave him. But as Deku encourages his friend, all the while putting pressure on him by even breaking and re-breaking his fingers in an effort to win, Todoroki's revelation spells defeat for Deku. Now able to use both fire and ice, Todoroki drops the temperature low and then hits with a blast of flame, causing an explosion that is as beautifully animated as it is perfectly timed to his newfound freedom.

Though the episode title ("Shoto Todoroki: Origin") labels this as Todoroki's origin, his victory comes as a surprise. Because Deku is the protagonist, he's expected to at least make it to the finals, but he is knocked out during round two. Due to its extremely personal nature, the Deku versus Todoroki fight is the highlight of the tournament, complete with tense buildup, rising action, and exquisite animation that all lead to a surprise ending. And though Deku lost the match, he gained a friend.

Deku, Todoroki, and Iida vs. Stain

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The end of the tournament arc heralds a darker storyline: Iida's brother becomes the newest victim of hero-killing villain, Stain. Not knowing what else to do with the hatred he feels toward the villain, Iida makes Stain his personal vendetta, straying more into vigilantism than heroism and even teetering on the edge of villainy. Iida is lucky that Deku is interning nearby and able to use his new move, Full Cowling.

When Todoroki shows up, the fight gets even more intense, as Stain shows that he is capable of taking on both Deku and Todoroki at full strength as Iida lies paralyzed. As Deku and Todoroki demonstrate the values of true heroes, Iida sees the error of his ways, just in time to deliver a finishing kick to the villain alongside Deku's punch. Showing how Iida's sense of justice can be warped by hatred is an intense and intriguing way to add layers to his character. Dark, memorable, and exciting, the battle against Stain rounds out Season 2's stellar fight scenes with gusto.

Deku vs. Muscular

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Who knew that the protagonist versus a one-off villain could be so intense and unforgettable? Even though Deku's voice-over reminds us that this is the story of how he became the greatest hero, it's easy to get lost in the moment of this fight and think that Deku might not make it out alive. Even when using his quirk to its fullest ability, Deku can neither fight nor flee from Muscular, especially with Kota in tow.

In the darkest moment of the fight, while Deku is lying beneath a crushing weight of muscle, he starts to panic, his internal monologue changing from being focused on the fight to apologizing to his mom and preparing for death. Only when Muscular's attention falls back on Kota does Deku find the strength to even open his eyes. It takes destroying his arms and punching at 1,000,000% to finally beat the villain, but Deku emerges victorious, and the viewer can breathe again. This fight marks an important milestone in Deku's journey to becoming a hero, as Kota becomes his first real rescue. Deku refers back to the letter of thanks that Kota writes afterward as inspiration to keep moving forward.

All Might vs. All For One

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The rematch the world has been waiting for. All Might is forced to face his nemesis once again, handicapped by both his time limit and innocent bystanders. As All For One effortlessly combines multiple quirks during the fight, All Might holds his own until his time runs out. However, All Might pushes beyond his limits to go Plus Ultra. All Might's last punch is in his weakened form plus one supersized fist. The visuals during this fight pull no punches either, as one scene depicts All Might desperately guarding the last ember of his powers.

When he rears back for the final punch, his hand grasps the power given to him by his predecessor, a passing of the torch. All Might ends the fight and his career with a thumbs-up and a smile, entrusting the future of One For All to Deku. The visual of All Might pointing straight through the reporters' camera at Deku sticks in the mind and ends All Might's long and arduous journey as the symbol of peace.

Deku vs. Bakugou, Pt. 2

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As Bakugou wrestles with the guilt of feeling responsible for All Might's retirement, he doesn't know what to do with these feelings other than challenging Deku to an unauthorized midnight brawl. What follows is a well-paced, evenly-matched fight between the two characters upon which My Hero Academia builds its story. It isn't until halfway through the fight that Deku realizes just how deeply Bakugou's inferiority complex has run. Both heroes give it their all, hogging the animation budget (for good use) to create dazzlingly colorful visuals in Full Cowling's green lightning effects and Bakugou's explosive palms.

When both characters jump into the air to finish the fight, the viewer is treated to a moving shot from the ground to the sky and around Deku and Bakugou midair. Even though Deku and Bakugou's rematch is nothing more than a spat between classmates in the context of the greater story world, this fight and its following conversation mark a major turning point in the relationship between Deku and Bakugou as they reach a deeper understanding and acceptance of each other and become proper rivals.

Kirishima and Fat Gum vs. Rappa

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While his classmates seem to mostly be natural heroes, Kirishima had to work in order to become heroic. Haunted by a moment in his past when he didn't help people in need, Kirishima has a difficult time facing the villain Rappa, even when accompanied by jolly professional hero Fat Gum. Even one attack from Rappa breaks through Kirishima's hardened skin, leaving him useless as a shield and forcing Fat Gum to absorb every following hit. The journey through Kirishima's flashbacks is a perfect contrast to the dire situation in the present.

The grim atmosphere is only darkened by the dim lighting and bloody battle. As Kirishima goes beyond his limits and re-hardens every time he's hit, he earns even Rappa's respect and stalls just long enough for Fat Gum to land the finishing blow. Though Kirishima is horribly injured afterward, the dark and brutal nature of the fight is what provides the best context for Kirishima's plight. His quirk is purely physical, but in order to use it to the best of his ability, he has to be mentally unbreakable as well. Kirishima's monstrous form while he is using his quirk is a terrifying image, but no less heroic.

Mirio vs. Overhaul

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Pared with a strong quirk that he has obtained mastery over, Mirio's personality and determination make him a shining beacon of heroism. His fight against Overhaul highlights this. Thanks to his ability to phase through objects, Mirio can dodge Overhaul's drug-infused bullets with ease, making for fun and inventive fight choreography as Mirio phases through the walls and floor and even punches through Overhaul's hand. However, when he jumps in the way of a bullet meant for Eri, he loses his quirk.

This fight marks a tragic moment in an already dark storyline, especially considering Mirio's sunny attitude, but Mirio isn't done yet. What truly makes this fight scene stand out is that Mirio continues fighting Overhaul for five whole minutes, completely quirkless and without missing a beat. This truly feels like a legendary moment, as much of the following scene is shown in still images paired with stunning orchestral music, a truly heroic moment for a hero without a quirk.

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